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Sonal Navin Shah

Engagement with Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) and Public Works Department (PWD) to advocate for and support implementation of a pilot Parking Management Area Plan (PMAP)

Over the course of the year, C-SEC conducted multiple meetings with MCD to present the Green Park PMAP and advocate for its implementation, beginning with a meeting in June where MCD requested strategies for implementation.

In October 2023, C-SEC met with Public Works Department officials to discuss the PMAP proposals, who subsequently asked for a detailed implementation plan. Later that month, MCD shared parking data for Yusuf Sarai, which C-SEC analyzed and found a significant discrepancy between the volumes reported by operators and their survey data. They shared their findings with MCD, indicating that the operators captured less than 10% of the actual parked vehicles.

Using these insights and previous PMAP work, C-SEC developed a detailed implementation plan for the east side of the Green Park area. This plan focused on managing long-term on-street parking, optimizing the existing Green Park MLCP, enhancing walkability, establishing a pricing strategy, and recommending enforcement and tendering processes.

C-SEC submitted the implementation plan and the Yusuf Sarai analysis to MCD in January 2024, where they presented their proposals and discussed pricing challenges. They also shared the plan with PWD officials, who emphasized the need for public consultations on the implementation.

In February 2024, C-SEC participated in a site inspection with MCD officials, guiding them through four key road stretches in the Green Park area to address important issues and proposals. Following this, MCD invited C-SEC to a meeting in March to discuss the implementation plan and next steps. C-SEC highlighted the importance of MCD leading a public consultation with local stakeholders and is currently coordinating with MCD officials to organize this as the next step in the implementation process.


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